iPhone Poker

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iPhone poker

Update 10-21-2010: Full Tilt Poker for Android has been released, and it is rumored that Fulltilt is BETA testing an iPhone poker app as well. Additionally, Switch Poker has opened it’s doors and allows real money online poker through an iPhone app.

The Apple iPhone comes bundled with a bunch of innovative features that essentially turns it into an iPocket-Mac. Poker sites will surely consider developing an iPhone compatible poker client, but it’s possible that some Mac poker rooms will already work with the iPhone.

At the very least you should be able to run a web browser poker site without additional installations or development. After all the iPhone uses safari, which is already compatible with a few poker sites, like Party Poker and 888Poker. There will also be plenty of computer simulated poker games for the iphone.

Downloadable poker rooms will be possible for the iPhone to, but it probably won’t be as easy as downloading your favorite mac poker room and playing online. This will either require special development from a poker site or a 3rd party program to make the installation possible.

NOTE: Full Tilt Poker closed their doors and as such, we recommend either any of the above listed rooms for non-US players, or for US players, you can play poker at Betonline, which has a great 25% unlimited bonus and depositing and withdrawal methods.

Go to our mobile poker page to see all iPhone and mobile friendly poker rooms. Note: there are no options for US players unfortunately.

38 Responses to “iPhone Poker”

  1. APokerMac

    so the picture above is fulltilt poker running on the iphone. Is this possible now or is it just a photoshop tease?

  2. dbirider

    It’s just a photoshop tease. So far there aren’t any real money poker sites with iphone software. I’ll ask around to see if any of them are working on it.

  3. DocLaw

    Any new info on having Full Tilt Poker available for the iPhone?

  4. Mike

    Hey DockLaw. I just sent an email to their developers. I’ll post their reply here when I get it.

  5. Mike

    Just a quick update to say there’s no update:

    “Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker Support. We sincerely apologize for the delay. We are currently receiving a large number of emails and are responding to each one as quickly as possible.”

  6. jimmy

    don’t you think the EDGE network is a little slow to support live poker games? when connected to wifi i can see it being quite feasible.. it would be quite frustrating playing over EDGE i believe, even when I am connected on wifi others will be connected via EDGE, timing out and slowing the play. i’m sure it’s in the works and i’ll be interested to see how well it performs over EDGE.

  7. Rich

    I think it would work okay on EDGE as long as you are not moving and switching cells (like in a car). EDGE isn’t much slower than dialup, and I have had no issues playing Poker Stars on dialup when travelling. The web based ones may be a bit slower thna a client based game though.

  8. Fred

    Our software was originally created to run on Mac. We were the first Mac compatible download and are still the only immersive 3D poker client for the Mac. We are trying to find a contact at Apple who would be able to help us port the software to the iPhone. If anyone has thoughts on this I would love to hear from you.


  9. Alan

    So there are no sites that support poker on the iPhone ?

  10. mike

    when will this program fulltilt be campadibal with iPhone just wondering

  11. mike

    also what is a differnt poker site I can put on iphone. Thx.

  12. Tom

    Anyone have any new news regarding a usable poker site on iphone?

  13. orangebuddah

    hi! anyone know of a stand alone poker game for the iphone? wifi in my school isn’t available yet scotch777ph@yahoo.com tnx!

  14. benjamin

    is there any poker site that workes on the iphone ?? i just whant a program with fake money or i dont need one with real money;-) only for fun

  15. pokeren

    It won’t take long before the first big pokerroom will make online poker on the iPhone. Mostly the succes of the iPhone itself will make mobile poker available top priority… Or not.

    Due to my connections higher up the ladder I’ll put some energy in the item to see what the actual status is!

  16. cvnt

    sick. gambling in the toilet at work.. wheres steve.. toilet again!!! yeah allin britches.

  17. Stuart McHattie

    So the iPhone 3G is now out and it’s got the AppStore so why haven’t sites like FullTilt produced the iPhone compatible client yet? Grrr

  18. mactechgeek

    Because Apple doesnt want those apps on their iphone.. I think real money poker apps wouldn’t make it through apples app-store-check. but at least apple has build a great cpu-simulated poker-game, which even supports a multi-player-mode (for iphone & touch-users in the same wifi-network). of course this is not what we all are looking for, but it’s at least something..

  19. patmanAA

    Hi! Have a tip for U I play poker on my iphone via any poker rooms I play on pokerstars.
    Just use VNC and contrle a computer that is logged to the poker game

  20. anon

    what’s vnc and contrle?

  21. dum dum

    And what about pacific? can someone play on pacific through safari or is there any kind of problem because of not supporting Java?

  22. mike

    just go on YouTube and search for “Jaadu iPhone”, the video will show how you can use your Iphone to remote control your computer from anywhere in the world. The program costs 25 bucks via the app store, but he has a way to get you the program free. I actually paid for the app before I knew I could get it for free, but 25 dollars is worth me being able to play poker anywhere at anytime! Good luck at the tables!

  23. paul

    Hey, mike. I do the same thing. While on the train to work, I connect to my computer at home to play Full Tilt. Actually, today was the first time I tried it and I played the entire 30 min ride without losing the connection once. The performance is kind of slow over 3G but acceptable. I lost $3 at a .50/1 table! 🙂

  24. steve

    Hey mike, can you please advice me how to get this programm for free?, thx

  25. Miketee

    Pokerstars told me they don’t have an iPhone app is because of security issues… This was about 3/4 months ago

  26. MegaPoker

    there is a MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Texas Holdem for iPhone and iPod Touch called
    “MegaPoker Online”. The game is currently on-sale in Apple App Store, and there is also a LITE version for you to try-out.


    MegaPoker Online – Texas Holdem Poker for iPhone and iPod Touch

  27. vvisitor

    hmm….dont works on my iphone
    safari still not support it

  28. Gmudotedu

    So how do i use vpn with my mac book and iphone? And will this allow me to play pstars anywhere?

  29. Lewis

    I am the star

  30. Birdsoft

    Very unlikely Apple will ever let real money applications through the process on iPhone.

  31. Wantfulltiltonmyphone

    Apple already approved a betfair app so why not poker? It’s the poker sites dragging their feet.

  32. Flash Stein

    The technology has been there for a while, my question is how Apple’s walled garden policies in the App store will gel with online poker for the iPhone. I can’t image Apple opening up the iPhone to a legit mainstream real-money online poker app, given that FoF would probably immediately send out a release boycotting Apple and the iPhone as an instrument of gambling & a Slayer of Youth, etc.

    That said, there is stuff like this:


    Still, I’ll be very surprised if real-money games of skill like poker are ever allowed to take off on the iPhone. Steve Jobs built the platform specifically to get away from shitty user experiences, and if online casinos have taught us one thing, it’s that they can deliver shitty user experiences convincingly.

  33. Phone Poker

    Apple are a US based company and real money poker is under a dark cloud legally in America. Until that is sorted out I can’t see Apple allowing real money poker apps.

  34. Quaddy

    Switch Poker are doing poker for the iPhone/iPad now. Real money tables too! I think it’s just http://www.switchpoker.com but it’s a relatively new site, so don’t think many people know about it. Seems ok to me.

  35. Evan

    Can somebody please tell me how to put poker stars on my iphone

  36. Amin gazi

    How do i download fulltilt poker on my IPhone guys??? Can anyone tell me?


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