For people that do not know who PokerTek is, here is a little introduction. PokerTek is the company that first made the dealer less poker tables and made everything run electronically, see you have a regular poker table with a small touchscreen in front of each player and a larger screen in the middle of the table. Each player will be able to touch the screen to view their hole cards and then the community cards are laid out on the screen in the middle of the table. Well because of this technological breakthrough in the world of poker, PokerTek has announced a 57% revenue increase from its bottom line. The increase is compared to the quarter results exactly one year ago in 2007.
PokerTek says that the profit increase is due to the fact that revenue costs saw a major increase and the operating costs saw a decline. Another high note that PokerTek announced was that the company had $4.3 million in consolidated revenues which was an astonishing 299% increase from the same quarter last year. Not only was it a huge gain from last year, it was also an increase of 12% from the second quarter of this year.
If you ask yourself, why did PokerTek see such a huge increase in numbers? Well the reason is because PokerTek saw its largest increase in the sale of its product which compared to last years quarter numbers, the company saw a 509% increase.
PokerTek is going to become larger and larger every quarter, because with the option that casinos and card clubs are going to have is tempting. They can either pay a dealer to deal the cards or they can purchase a PokerTek poker table and have an automated poker game, but you also have to think about operating costs and the cost to fix a table when you don’t have to pay to fix a dealer.
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